9 BEST Ab Exercises Standing Up That Are Nice To Your Arthritic Joints!

ab exercises standing up

When you have arthritic joints, getting up and down from the floor can be challenging. But, it is vital to have a strong core for many different reasons, so ab exercises standing up come to the rescue! There are so many ways you can still challenge your core muscles that doesn’t involve getting on the […]

How to Mix Up Your In Home Walking Exercise to Maximize Arthritis Pain Relief

in home walking exercise

If you have arthritis, in home walking exercise can be extremely beneficial- but only if you are doing it the right way. There are specific movements that will help you to keep your joints healthy and relieve arthritis pain. The answer is actually NOT forwards walking or marching…Adding variety in your in home walking exercise […]

Does exercise make osteoarthritis worse? What most don’t tell you- Updated 2023

does exercise make osteoarthritis worse?

The answer is no, exercise doesn’t make osteoarthritis worse. It can actually be pain relieving when done right. A common misconception about osteoarthritis is that it is caused by “wear and tear” and thus, people significantly reduce physical activity levels. But, rest may be causing more harm than good. Research has shown that moderate loading […]

3 ways a kettlebell deadlift can bring you arthritis pain relief

kettlebell deadlift, arthritis

One of the best exercises to help you actually find arthritis pain relief is a kettlebell deadlift. As a physical therapist and osteoarthritis specialist who has worked with hundreds of people with osteoarthritis- this exercise can be an incredibly powerful one to master. This is because it helps to challenge muscles that are vital to […]

Hip flexor pain? 3 exercises you need right now for relief

how to reduce hip flexor pain

If the muscles in the front of your hip are giving you trouble, you could be dealing with hip flexor pain. The hip flexor muscles are responsible for bringing your knee up towards your chest. There can be many reasons why these muscles become irritated including muscle imbalances causing them to overwork, overuse, compensations due […]