Ankle arthritis exercises can help you to unlock the pain relief you need to be able to adventure! Activities walking, hiking, skiing, and running are very dependent on your ankles. The healthier you can keep your ankle joints, the easier these activities will be. Imagine if you could walk on uneven ground or feel balanced on rough surfaces like sand when on vacation? It is possible to adventure even with ankle arthritis or chronic ankle pain. You just have to make sure your joints are ready to handle whatever you want to do! Let’s get to mastering these ankle arthritis exercises so you can learn to live again.
Alright, it’s time to build strong and healthy ankles. If you have dealt with lots of ankle sprains in the past or your ankle feels unstable, stiff, and/or painful these are exactly what you need. Even without a diagnosis of ankle osteoarthritis, if you are dealing with chronic ankle pain, these will help too!
It’s important to note that there is a chance not every single one of these ankle arthritis exercises will work for you. But want to know something, that’s okay!
You have 10 options below, so the recommendation is to choose between 2-4 exercises that feel good to you. Do them at least every other day for 4 weeks to start. To see the best results, you want to continue for up to 8-10 weeks. Ideally these would just become a part of your daily routine….for life.
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First things first...
If you are dealing with significant and chronic ankle pain, it’s important to dissipate some of that pain before getting started with movement.
If you are fearful to try some of the exercises because you are not confident in your ankle, that’s important to address too.
So how do you manage both of these before trying these exercises?
My favorite chronic ankle pain relieving tool is a compression sock. You do want to stay away from hard braces because those begin to work for your muscles, allowing them to get off easy and thus become weak.
Try one of these tight, soft socks to help give your ankle the confidence it is searching for. The good thing? They are usually inexpensive! They are absolutely worth a try.

These braces will help you feel more stable, more confident, and decrease pain. There are many different kinds of these braces but these are my top 3 favorites:
- SB SOX: these are very lightweight to easily fit into shoes but provide enough compression to bring you relief. Get a pair HERE for under $20.
- Techware PRO Ankle Brace: These highly rated braces are also light- weight and come in nude colors if you are looking to conceal the brace. Get a pair HERE for under $20.
- Sleeve Stars Ankle Brace: this brace would beneficial if you are looking for a little more support. The brace is soft but does have extra velcro straps for a little more help. Get a brace HERE for under $20.
For all of these braces, it is important that you measure your foot as directed and purchase the right size. If they are too big or too small, they may not provide the benefits described.
The power of movement
When it comes to ankle arthritis relief, movement can be so powerful for this joint. It can truly be amazing what you can accomplish with the right movements and tools.
Here is an example of a follower who was dealing with a long history of ankle pain, especially with walking and now has reached her goal of being able to tramp (hike) with her sister!

TOP 11 ankle arthritis exercises
Now let’s get right into it. As an arthritis specialist and physical therapist I know how much of a difference these exercises can make for your feet and ankles. As mentioned above, don’t get overwhelmed by thinking you need to do all of these!
Try them out and choose the top 2-4 that make you feel the best. Try to do these at least every other day if not every day for best results.
If one exercise doesn’t make you feel good, that is okay! Move on to the next one. The goal is to feel better after these exercises, not worse.
1. Foot doming
This exercise may feel a little weird at first but it’s so important for healthy feet! The idea is to work hard to keep all of your toes on the ground as you make an arch with your foot.
This will help to strengthen the arch of your foot. Complete 5-10 reps of this one. The good news it can be done easily when sitting watching tv or at the computer!
2. Toe curls
Use a hand towel or a washcloth on a slippery floor for this exercise. Move the towel further towards you by curling your toes. This exercise works those tiny muscles in your toes to help bring more stability to your foot.
Complete 3-4 reps of curling the towel all the way towards you.
3. Foot rolling
When you have ankle arthritis, it is important to keep the mobility in both your ankles and your feet. Many times, your feet and toes can become stiff. Certain self massage techniques can help to bring relief to your feet and ankles.
This is because massage can help bring blood flow to the area. Blood helps to transport inflammation out of the joints and to the “trash”. Using one of these spiky balls can help to bring more blood flow to the area.
This technique would be great to use if you are sitting for a long period of time and want to prevent your foot from getting stiff. It would also be helpful when you are dealing with an increase in pain.
This is my favorite foot massage kit because it comes with 3 different objects you can use. If your feet are sensitive, I would highly recommend this. Even if they aren’t sensitive, you may find you like one texture over the other.
4. Banded Ankle Press Outs
You will need a longer resistance band for this one (these are my favorite brand). This exercise helps to stretch out the muscle that is on your shin and also gets your calf working too! Both play vital roles in your foot and ankle, especially if you are dealing with chronic ankle pain.
Try to complete 5-10 of these. The slower you go and the more resistance you have, the harder it will be.
5. Calf Raises
Your calf muscles play a role in your ankle stability which is why they made this ankle arthritis exercise list! Raise up on your toes and then slowly let your heels come back down to the floor. You can do this on a step to increase the intensity.
Complete 15-20 reps and use upper body support if needed as this can challenge your balance. Try to reach full range of motion at the top.
6. Banded foot eversion/inversion
You will need a small circle band to complete this. Eversion is when your foot goes away from your body and inversion is when you are going closer to your body.
This one can be a little tricky as the movement is a small one. Start with a light resistance band and work your way up. Complete 10-12 reps each direction, focusing on the most painful side.
7. Multi directional stepping
This exercise helps you to gain more confidence putting weight on one leg. You can use support of a kitchen counter or chair initially if you do experience pain putting a majority of your weight on one leg.
You will put most of your weight on one leg and tap forward-sideways-backwards with the other. To make this the most difficult, try to tap as light as possible.
Complete 8 revolutions (forward-sideways-backwards = 1) and then switch to the other side.
8. TRX Rotational Balance
This exercise is great if you aren’t super confident in your balance. The TRX straps will give you some support when trying to build your ankle stability. Balance exercises are some of THE most important when it comes to ankle arthritis exercises. If you don’t have suspension straps, I highly recommend you get some, this is my favorite brand here. If you want to read more about suspension straps, here’s my article on the 10 BEST TRX leg exercises for more inspiration!)
Stand with one foot in front of the other. Make sure you have your balance before you begin moving.
Move the band side to side and keep your feet as stationary as you can. Start with 30 seconds on one side and 30 seconds on the other.
Keep in mind, the foot in the back is going to be doing most of the work so you may want to start with the less painful side in the back, just so you know what to expect!
9. Tandem band pass
Adding an object to pass back and forth can further challenge your balance. In this video I use a resistance band but you can also use a different object too, (something that only weighs a pound or two). The heavier the object, the harder it will be.
Stand with one foot in front of the other one for this exercise too. Make your feet a little wider if you have a hard time in this position.
Try to hold for 30 seconds to start and increase the time as you are able. Check out my top 5 favorite balance exercises in this article!
10. Tandem with head turns
This exercise can be harder than it looks!
Stand in a comfortable tandem stance, your feet as close together as you can safely get them.
Adding in the head turns decreases reliance on vision and further challenges your balance, which can translate into walking in an area where there are a lot of distractions.
This exercise can help to build the small muscles in your foot and increase overall stability of the foot, leading to less ankle pain.
Try to complete for 20-30 seconds to start, each side and increase time as able.
11. Single leg heel raise
When it comes to ankle arthritis exercises, this single leg calf raise can help to build strength in the ankle but also range of motion.
Putting your full weight on one leg, hook your other foot behind and see if you can raise up and down. Do not attempt this if you are unable to do a double leg calf raise above.
The goal is aim for 10-20 repetitions each side, when starting. The idea is both sides are relatively the same. If you notice one side is more difficult or fatigues quicker, you may need to focus on that side.
Find a few of these exercises that are appropriate for you. You can determine this by monitoring your pain during and after. If you notice pain >5/10 during or after, that is a sign from your joints it’s time to modify or choose something else.
You want to make sure you take care of your feet and ankles because they are vital for almost everything we need to do during the day! These 11 ankle arthritis exercises can help you stay healthy and limber.
The most important aspect of ankle arthritis relief is optimum joint support. You want to make sure your foot and ankle are supported in the best way possible.
Trying a few of these movements above can be a great place to start. Continue to take care of your feet so they can continue to take you on adventures.
If you’d like step by step workouts showing you how to not only take care of your feet and ankles but also how to help the rest of your body move optimally, join in the 3 Day Walking Workout Challenge! You’ll get three follow along, full body workouts.
Alyssa Kuhn

If you are looking to regain your active life but are unsure where to start, join the revolutionary membership, Adventurers for Life. This is a step-by-step path that not only will help you find pain relief but will help you unlock adventure. You’ll get workouts, tests to pass to make sure you are on the right track, community events and MORE.
Disclaimer: This post is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Kuhn and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Move Well Age Well, LLC and Dr. Alyssa Kuhn, PT, DPT are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this post or site.