degenerative spine arthritis

Have you been told you have degenerative spine arthritis, degenerative disc disease or spine arthritis? 

Do you regularly feel back tightness, pain, and/or  stiffness especially in the morning? 

Are you tired of your back hurting everytime you try to bend over, roll over, or even just when you are standing? 

With any of these conditions mentioned above, there is hope to find relief but you have to know where to start. It is possible for you to be able to move without thinking twice about your back! 

With osteoarthritis in the spine, you will only find relief by taking action...

In this guide you will learn: 

The best stretches to help relax your muscles

What can actually be more powerful than stretching

Workouts you can follow to finally feel good

Other simple and unique ways to control pain naturally

Download this totally free guide below! 

pain relief arthritis

Hi, I’m Alyssa. I’m a doctor of physical therapy and an osteoarthritis specialist. I have helped people all across the world tackle hip and knee arthritis pain with new found confidence. 

Through movement, food, and other avenues your body craves, you, too, can find osteoarthritis pain relief that lasts.

I founded Keep the Adventure Alive to break through the doom and gloom to show you that adventure is possible again despite being diagnosed osteoarthritis! 

You don’t have to dream small because you have arthritis. Let me show you the way! 

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